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【英語】【自己紹介】My favorite singer

My favorite singer is YUKI.I started listening her song when my sister listened in the past. Characteristics of her songs is very clear voice and sad melody.I tend to sing her song when I take a bath.

【英語】【自己紹介】I like summer.

I like summer because my birthday is August.I used to go to camp with my family when I was child. Useally we went yamagich or hiroshima .I enjoyed fishing and haunting insects , BBQ! Recently I cant go camp because I cashed out of my car.I…


▪️中国語(繁体字) まずは発音から。身近に話せる人がいるので、一番勉強しやすいと思う。訳あってスピーキング>リスニング>ライティングの優先度で。 ▪️英語 こっちも発音が良くないので、単語レベルで発音を勉強する(主にyoutube)。初対面の人との日常…